Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Half-Anniversary!

Jerrin and I have been married for....

Crazy huh?

It feels like just yesterday that I agreed to be Mrs. Snook. (best day ever.)

I'm not an expert on marriage or anything and I was browsing the web one day and I came across a link 101 Ways To Tell Your Husband I Love You. I read through this and decided to try a couple of these. I am going to tell you five of them that worked and five that didn't really work. For us anyways. haha.

Things that worked.
#5. Show appreciation.
Jerrin sometimes does the little things, he does the dishes, cleans the house, and makes our bed. Remember I said sometimes. But when he does I always make sure to say thanks and tell him it looks good.  Then he does it again.

#12. Don't expect him to read your mind.
Sometimes I get mad and when I do I don't really say much and kind of expect Jerrin to know exactly what is wrong. But I have realized that when I tell him what bothers me, thing get settled faster and there is no more hard feelings.

#13. Laugh Together.
Nuff Said.

#24. Say "I'm sorry."
I say things and I don't realize that they can be hurtful and after it comes out of my mouth everything takes a u-turn.  I'm not the kind of person who likes to admit that I am wrong but saying sorry is all I can do when I know that I have done something wrong. And it works. Jerrin is happy again.

#39. Worship together.
Doing everything that we know is right, brings us closer together.


Things that didn't work.
#3. Start a hobby together.
Jerrin doesn't want to scrapbook or start a blog so I tried playing Call of Duty with him once but I ended up getting mad and losing. We will just stick to him playing xbox and me blogging.

#53. Let him win.
Never will I ever LET Jerrin win. I am too competitive. haha. Sorry Jerrin.

#60. Wake him up with kisses.
One day before work I decided to try this. I started kissing Jerrins face and continued kissing him and kissing him and kissing him. 45 seconds passed and I finally knew Jerrin was never going to wake up to kisses so I just shook him until he woke up.

#69. Eat an ice cream cone together.
So we didn't share a cone but we did share some fries once, and never again.  This is what happened. We poured them on a napkin and I said, "I am going to go get us a drink." And when I came back... the fries were ALL GONE. haha!

#75. Have a pillow fight.
I started a pillow fight the other day and in the end I lost. Jerrin just pinned me to the ground and tickled me until I yelled I GIVE UP!

There are many more that I tried but would be TMI for this blog. Some of them are really stupid so I didn't try them but who knows, maybe they will work for you.

Yup, we will forever be in love.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. You are the bestest wife. Jerrin is one lucky dude! I miss you. We need to hang out more!
