Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Week

Last week was Halloween Week!

I love Halloween! I decided that to prepare for this awesome holiday I would make Jerrin and me a little treat after dinner but not just any treat. It had to be Halloweenie! It was a lot harder than I expected and something ALWAYS went wrong!

Number one thing: Jerrin wasn't as into Halloween week as I was. (Even though I made him delish treats every night) Therefore I made him pose for all the pictures!


I fell asleep so we would have two treats tomorrow!


Franks Brain! (green stuff)

Jumpin' Jell-o and Franks Brain!
 Franks Brain was delish! (as you can tell by his face!)

This was Mondays. Jumpin' Jell-o!
 This Jell-o consisted of worms and blood! Problem.. I made it on Sunday and I put it in the freezer for a little but then... I fell asleep. Totally forgot about the Jell-o in the the freezer. When I took it out after 24 hours it was frozen. I waited for it to thaw and when I scooped it it was chunky water. (really gross) Jerrin ate it and said it was yummy so I was excited to taste it but when I did... SO GROSS! I threw it away and gave Jerrin more!


Slime Cookies!

These were good! Little did I know Jerrin doesn't like mint.

Whitch Hats! (these just turned into a joke...)


Creepy Cupcakes.

Creepy I know!!


Ghoulish Goodies!

Sugar Cookies were the biggest hit!

This cookie cutter set had some weird cuts... apple.. leaf..

Can't wait for tonight! HALLOWEEN!

Friday, October 28, 2011


It all started with Pirates.

At work the kids wanted to watch Pirates so I put it in and we started to watch. (If you have not seen the latest Pirates you might want to skip this sentence.) At the end of the movie Angelica tells Jack that she is with child. The eleven year old girl turns to me and says,
"What does that mean?"
"It means she is pregnant."
"OH! When did she have SEX?!"
"Because you have to have sex to have a baby!"
At this point she grabbed the remote.
"There is only one part in the movie where I think she could have got a baby in her stomach!" she said.
She started rewinding the movie... I was terrified. We got to the part and it was Jack and Angelica, and Angelica was straddling him.
"See this part! But I don't understand" She turns to me, "Aren't you suppose to be naked in order to have sex?"
I had no idea what to say... except,
"I don't know..."
"Well... I'm not sure what happens but the boy puts the baby in your stomach when you are naked."
"Oh." I got up. "Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something to eat?" I was trying to say ANYTHING for her to change the subject. But it didn't work.
"Are you with child Jazmin?"
"I hope not."
"Well of course you're not. Because you would have to have sex. And if you don't want to have a baby you don't have sex. You and Jerrin don't have sex right?!" She looked very worried.
"Am I pregnant?" I said.
"There's your answer!"
"But my mom said that girls usually keep it a secret for a month, so I will find out in a month!" She walked away and that was the end!
I was really grateful at that moment and I hope that conversation never comes up again, therefore I am not letting her watch Pirates ever!!

Ps little girl, You have a lot more to learn!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


These are some things that have been happening.

Happening #1

We used to have a pet...

About a month ago we heard a strange noise coming from our light fixture and when we looked up there was a scorpion in it! I named him Scorpy. (clever I know!) But he would use all his energy to run up the light fixture and the whole time he would just run in place, getting no where. Then just curl up and go to sleep. Poor little guy.  Some how spiders would get in there and with in a day the spider would be gone!  So we never had to feed him.  He was the best pet ever.

I really liked Scorpy, but the only problem was that I could never play with him. Actually that is a lie.

One time when all our friends were over (yes we have friends even though we are married) we unscrewed the light fixture to look at him. We all were too scared to pet him so I got a toothpick and poked him! He did not like that at all... He curled up his tail and was about to sting the toothpick! But he never did.  After a while we got bored and gave him a toothpick. 

Just the other day I was watching him do his daily run, and as usual he stopped. I came back the next day and he was in the exact same position! Man Scorpy was good! But then later that night he was still in the same position.. I realized Scorpy had reached the end of his wonderful life.. I told Jerrin and all he said was "Really?" and didn't ask about him again.. Until I told him I just threw him away becasue I couldn't look at him dead everyday then Jerrin said, "You threw him away?! We should have kept him there and then we would have framed him!" It made me happy that he cared a little.

Wish I would have taken a picture before he died

To Scorpy: You were the best pet ever. I never had to feed you, give you water, or play with you. Thanks. See you in the after life.

To Jerrin: Please don't frame me when I die! Thanks.

Happening #2

Jerrin loves games. Video games and computer games.

I have never been the kind of girl to play video games or computer games, except when I was 10. I had an awesome Carmen San Diego computer game that was AMAZING! One day I was playing and I had 10% more to go until I had beaten the game then out of no where my computer froze. Nbd, it happens all the time. BUT when I went to restart my computer I put the game back in and everything I had saved was erased.. After that I have been against games.

Also, I hate World of Warcraft. Also, Jerrin plays it.

I think W.o.W is a pointless game.  Just a waste of time.  I had always said I would never marry a guy who played W.o.W. So I am really glad Jerrin didn't tell me he played W.o.W on the first date we ever had. 

One night around elevenish I told Jerrin I was tired and going to bed then Jerrin said,
"Jazmin I don't feel very well, so I am just going to watch tv for a while then come to bed. Is that okay?"
I was worried.
"What's wrong? Do you need anything?"
"No. I will be fine."
"Okay. I will be in our room if you need anything. Don't be afraid to wake me up."
Then I gave him a kiss and went to bed.
For a while I couldn't fall asleep because I was worried then I decided Jerrin was a big boy and could handle it. I fell asleep and woke up at 3:42 am to no Jerrin in bed with me.  At that point I thought. Is Jerrin okay?!  Did he fall asleep in the bathroom because he was throwing up a lot?!  Did he pass out in the front room and had he been laying there for hours?! I hurried and got up to go find him. As I walked into the front room Jerrin was in front of his computer playing W.o.W... He looked at me with a you-caught-me-playing-wow-and-it's-four in the morning face. All I could say was "Really..." Then I walked back to our bedroom. He logged off and came and layed by me, in record time. I was pissed.  Pretty sure he knew and all he could say was "Sorry, it will never happen again..." That next morning I was not happy. I got up for work said bye then left.  Needless to say, it has not happened since.... Well that I know of. 
(Jerrin, sorry for telling this story. I love you!!!)


Jerrins Xbox

Jerrin has been bugging me about getting an Xbox.. I really don't want one because I would never play.  He called me yesterday and said,
"Jazmin! How was your day? I missed you!" (lots more questions and nice things)
"Hi babe. I'm good and I just got home."
"I have some thing to tell you..."
"So Darren was making fun of me about not getting an Xbox so he gave us one with two games! I wanted to get something that we could both do instead of watching tv"
"So you got an Xbox... When are you going to pay him?"
"He's letting us borrow it!"
"When are you going to pay for it. You are going to want it so you can pay for it..." (ps. Jerrin isn't working right now because school is crazy busy. There is no way he is getting that Xbox!)
He said he was home and that we would talk about it. When he got home we talked about it but I had the better arguments. I win. Kind of. 
Later that night he wanted to play it. He hooked it all up and looked at me and asked if I wanted to play. I said sure why not. I couldn't say no to getting an Xbox if I never tried it.  He gave me a paddle and there was NO multiplayer on the game.  I was glad. He started playing and I thought it was dumb becasue it was a shooting, killing game. My favorite.. not. I started to read my scriptures hoping that he would get the hint that I did not want him to play... He didn't.
The best part. As he is learing how to man his Xbox he keeps saying,
"OH! This is cool!"
"Wow! That's really cool!"
I think he was trying to get me to say WHAT, but I knew I wasn't going to give in, even though I REALLY wanted to say what. We went to bed and that was the end of that.

We will see how this Xbox thing works or doesn't work out.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Sugar Rush

Sometimes Jerrin and I get really hyper!

It all started after dinner. Jerrin offered me an Otter Pop and I agreed to have one with him. After the sugar reached our blood everything went 100x faster. First we decided to decorate out door with spider web and spiders. Before we appiled it to the door I had a great idea! (not really that great when I'm hyper)
"I have a great idea babe! Lay down. On the floor!" I commanded him.
"What are you going to do?"
"You will see!!"
"Okay. Fine."
"We are going to make a before and after picture!"
"I am going to put these spiders on you. So act scared!"


"Now get up and watch how funny I am!" I said.

 "Now it looks like you got eaten by the spiders!" I laughed.
Jerrin found it a little funny but not as funny as I did. haha!

Next we had to go to Wal-mart. As we were driving there we turned up the music and danced out of control! Singing at the top of our lungs. I looked over at Jerrin and he was doing a head banging move with his WHOLE body, not looking at the road! (I know I should be worried) I joined!

We arrived to Wal-Mart and we were speed walking to to door but we didn't notice until we were out of breath.  We knew exactly what we needed so sped walked every where!   Everytime we would get to an isile I would look at Jerrin and say Whoever gets it first wins! We would run down the isile not careing what anyone thought. It was really annoying when people got in the way of me winning. 

After we finished all our races we headed to check out number 2. I looked at Jerrin and asked if he would buy me a check-out-treat (as if we needed more sugar). He said yes and gave me the option of Twix or Resses. I grabbed a King Size Twix to share.  A nice older lady rang up out items and had something to say about each one.  I just couldn't wait until I got my Twix!
"Oh! Steak knives! Those are always good!" She said.
"Yup! Going to cut some steak!" Jerrin replied.
"Wow. Three gallons of milk!" She said surprised, as she placed them in awkwardly positions.

Next was my Twix! I could not wait! I leaned in closer and closer hoping she would just hand it to me, then BLUMP!

I looked down and there was milk going everywhere! I had knocked it down during all my excitment about Twix.  I stared at the milk as it poured out then, I picked it up (not thinking about what I was going to do with 1/16 gallon of milk) I looked at Jerrin and laughed,
"What do I do with it?!"
"Babe! Whatch out!"
1/16 of milk had spilled all over my shoe! Not cool!

I handed the empty gallon to a lady and she just said "Don't worry about it...." I was just glad I didn't have to clean it up.

The nice cashier said sorry and told us to go grab another gallon.  I refused to tell Jerrin that it was actually me who dropped the milk, so I let the cashier take the blame. After that we were not very hyper anymore but I did get my Twix and shared it with Jerrin and we enjoyed the Twix as we drove back to our humble abode.

Now I know that next time I go to Wal-Mart I will not lean on something that has awkwardly placed gallons of milk on it.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Little Competition

Since a young age I have always loved a little competition.

When I was ten my family decided to play a friendly game of musical chairs.  My dad was the music controller and as he stopped the music, one by one, each of my family members got out. First my mother. Then my older sister and finally my little sister. There were only two of us left, my older brother and me.  My dad started the music and I was determined to win. The music felt like it went on forever then SILENCE. I hurried to sit down first. As I sat down I heard a small, quiet crack and then I let out a tiny owwww. I clearly sat down first but my brother had sat right on top of me and my little pinky, bending it all the way back so it touched the back of my hand.  I started to cry and my mom was quickly by my side to comfort me.  We examined my pinky and watched it swell up in seconds until it looked like a little sausage.  I finally stopped crying I had a huge smile on my face because I had actually beaten my brother, for the first and only time.  After we ended up going to the ER only to find out that I had a broken pinky.   

BUT. I won.

Today I am twenty and for my job I babysit.  While I was at work I had misplaced my phone (which happens ALOT) and as I was looking everywhere for it I walked into HT's room where three eleven-year-olds quickly hid something behind their backs. I had found my phone. I didn't think much about it because they were taking random pictures of weird things. It only became a problem when I asked for it back three times and they ran off with my phone each time.  So I decided the knock on the bedroom door and say
"Girls, I have an idea!"
"WHAT!" they replied every excitedly
"How about we have an arm wrestling contest to see who gets the phone!"
Without a thought they quickly yelled "YES!!!!"
I started walking to the front room thinking, Man these girls have no chance!
There were three girls, CG, KS, and HT.  CG is a little over weight girl so I had that win in the bag. Then there was KS, she is really athletic so I knew she would be a little challenge but hey, she's eleven. Finally HT, she is really clumsy and small. Piece of cake.
"Girls, I will make you a deal. If two out of three of you beat me, then you get the phone. But if I beat two of you, I get my phone."
"Okay. Deal."
KS was up first. We got down on the ground and started to count down. Three. Two. One. GO! For an eleven-year-old she was pretty strong but with in five seconds, I had beaten her. One down, two to go.  CG was next. Three. Two. One. GO! CG was tough, but I totally was stronger than her. I was about to win when out of no where CS puts 100% into winning and pins my hand down against the carpet... I could not believe it. An eleven-year-old had beaten me.. I was speechless... "It was just luck. Let's go again." I said.  Words I wish I would have never said to eleven-year-old CS, the arm wrestling prodigy.  She beat me twice. After the second loss I was depressed.  I told HT to get down on the ground and in half a second I beat her.  I didn't even care about my phone anymore. CG could have it for all I cared. She'd beat me. All the eleven-year-old girls were stoked. They started jumping up and down. I told them that I didn't care because I was only ten and CG was older than me so it only made sense that she would win.  HT quickly caught my lie and yelled "SHE IS TWENTY!!!!" I told them to go her room and stay there until I decided it was okay to come out. 
I still couldn't believe that I had been beat by an eleven-year-old.... I hurried and texted my best friend and told her the bad news. She said I could arm wrestle her because she thinks I would beat her and I said Thanks but I will just tell Jerrin to arm wrestle me and let me win so I feel better about myself.  When I got home I told Jerrin what had happened and he just laughed at me and said,
 "You can arm wrestle me."
"Will you let me win?"
"HAHA! NO! I want to win!"
"Wow, thanks babe.."
Now my new mission is to beat CG. Can't wait for work on Monday.