Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Half-Anniversary!

Jerrin and I have been married for....

Crazy huh?

It feels like just yesterday that I agreed to be Mrs. Snook. (best day ever.)

I'm not an expert on marriage or anything and I was browsing the web one day and I came across a link 101 Ways To Tell Your Husband I Love You. I read through this and decided to try a couple of these. I am going to tell you five of them that worked and five that didn't really work. For us anyways. haha.

Things that worked.
#5. Show appreciation.
Jerrin sometimes does the little things, he does the dishes, cleans the house, and makes our bed. Remember I said sometimes. But when he does I always make sure to say thanks and tell him it looks good.  Then he does it again.

#12. Don't expect him to read your mind.
Sometimes I get mad and when I do I don't really say much and kind of expect Jerrin to know exactly what is wrong. But I have realized that when I tell him what bothers me, thing get settled faster and there is no more hard feelings.

#13. Laugh Together.
Nuff Said.

#24. Say "I'm sorry."
I say things and I don't realize that they can be hurtful and after it comes out of my mouth everything takes a u-turn.  I'm not the kind of person who likes to admit that I am wrong but saying sorry is all I can do when I know that I have done something wrong. And it works. Jerrin is happy again.

#39. Worship together.
Doing everything that we know is right, brings us closer together.


Things that didn't work.
#3. Start a hobby together.
Jerrin doesn't want to scrapbook or start a blog so I tried playing Call of Duty with him once but I ended up getting mad and losing. We will just stick to him playing xbox and me blogging.

#53. Let him win.
Never will I ever LET Jerrin win. I am too competitive. haha. Sorry Jerrin.

#60. Wake him up with kisses.
One day before work I decided to try this. I started kissing Jerrins face and continued kissing him and kissing him and kissing him. 45 seconds passed and I finally knew Jerrin was never going to wake up to kisses so I just shook him until he woke up.

#69. Eat an ice cream cone together.
So we didn't share a cone but we did share some fries once, and never again.  This is what happened. We poured them on a napkin and I said, "I am going to go get us a drink." And when I came back... the fries were ALL GONE. haha!

#75. Have a pillow fight.
I started a pillow fight the other day and in the end I lost. Jerrin just pinned me to the ground and tickled me until I yelled I GIVE UP!

There are many more that I tried but would be TMI for this blog. Some of them are really stupid so I didn't try them but who knows, maybe they will work for you.

Yup, we will forever be in love.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Andy. Adri. Darren. Jerrin. Jazmin.

We like to make things.

Things that involve messes.

And things that involve Ginger.

And things that involve Bread.

And things that involve Houses.

Do you know what we like yet?!

(Yes this is what we made if you are still lost.)

The Beginning.

We were short one house so Jerrin and I decided to make brownies.

Don't we look good?

This is hard work!

Happy Family.

Finished product!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's all worth it.

I'm not a mother with kids or anything but I do babysit three awesome children that I would do anything for.

Today Sophie was very energetic and there was not a dull moment.  We went from room to room playing different games. First apples to apples, then Barbies, babies, tag, hide and seek, bendaroos, etc.  Seven hours of nonstop playing.

As we were searching Kid History on Youtube (she is only three and she shows me videos on Youtube. Shouldn't be the other way around?) She turned to me and gave me a huge hug and said,

"I love you."

Then finished it off with a kiss on the check.

In return I did he same thing and she just smiled.

There are always bad days on the job but this, this story right here, is why it's all worth it.


I got my nails done today. Very happy.

Monday, December 19, 2011


This week end was pretty fun.

Jerrin had his last final on Friday and do you know what that means??!! Jerrin and I can finally hang out. No more studying. No more reading. No more hanging out by myself.

MORE JERRIN TIME! (I always like that.)

Friday we celebrated with going out to dinner with some friends and watching HP Part Two.

Then on Saturday a couple of us went up to SLC to watch a Jazz scrimmage. It was first come first serve. Doors opened at 6, game started at 7, we arrived at 5. And can I just tell you... It. Was. Cold. Longest hour of my life. But totally worth it. I'm all about free stuff and they gave out plenty of that. Plus we got to sit on row 10ish. But most important.. We got to see the Jazz play! So awesome!

During the Rookie Dance-off.
Last but not least it was Jerrins nieces birthday! She is a cutie! Watching her open presents and being on the top of the world because it was her day was the best!

All in all... It was a good week end.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Shot.

Today Sophie and I had to go to a Health Clinic because two days ago I got a TB shot so I had to get it checked. When I went in the nurse gave me a bunch of paper work to fill out with a lot of pointless questions.

Do you have high blood pressure?

Really? I just came here for them to tell me that my TB shot looks fine and I can go home. Oh no. They want to know all about your personal life. More questions.

How much do you make?
Where do you live?
When is your birthday?

After I was done with the stupid questionnaire they knew everything about my life. EVERYTHING!
Finally the nurse came into the waiting room and told me to pull my sleeve up. He face quickly turned to horror. I felt my stomach drop and said,
"Am I okay?!"
"You are going to have to come in the back with me."
I followed her to the back and did everything she said exactly.

"In this room. Sit down. Pull your sleeve up." she said.
I pulled it up very quickly.
"Oh... Well when was your last TB shot?"
"2006." I said.
"Was it positive?"
"No." I said quickly.
"Well it's not that swollen."
"So I am good?"
"Yes. You can go." She smiled.

My face quickly lite up, and I was out of that room faster than you could say Tuberculosis!
I went to the front so they could charge me for 5min out of their 24 hour day. The lady up front said,
"We. are. going. to. need. a. pay. check. stub. so. we. know. you. are. not. lying."
(Yes I checked that I can speak and understand spanish BUT I also checked ENGLISH!)
"Okay. But I get paid with just checks, like a personal check, so I don't have stubs."
"Yes. you. can. pay. us. with. a. check."
"Wait, what?"
I thought I had made myself pretty clear, but I guess not.
"Do. you. have. a. bank. account?" she asked.
"Go. there. and. see. if. you. have. enough. money. and. then. make. a. check. payable. to. this. clinic."
"But my problem is that I don't have stubs.... You know what. Never mind. Thanks."
Then I walked out.
I walked out with Sophie and said,
"I think that lady thought I was stupid."
"Jazmin, don't say that word."
"Sorry. haha." 
"It's okay." She said with a smile.
 Then we went home.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Our First Family Picture!

Jerrin and I are married now so clearly that means we need to have a family picture (awkward style..sorta)!

First Family Photo

So many things wrong with this picture.
Am I wearing bright red pants? Yes.
Am I wearing boots with the bright red pants I got for halloween? Yes.
Is Jerrin standing too far away from me? Yes.
Is Jerrin frowning? Yes.
Does Jerrin have a huge water stain running down his shirt? Yes. haha!
Is that Roger? YES!

Jerrin says he doesn't like Roger, but I like to think differently.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Holiday Happiness!

All our decorations are finally up!

Jerrin and I had a lot of fun picking this tree out.

Our front room.
We are festive, I know.

I love the holiday season.
I love our home.
I love what Christmas really means.
I love that I get to spend it with the one and only true love of my life.

No Shave November.

Jerrin and I didn't shave ALL of November. (my legs)

In November all the boys participate in No shave November meaning they don't shave their face all month. Well last year I decided to join the fun and not shave my legs.  Yeah, I know it's pretty gross.. And you better believe that I did it again this year!!

For Jerrin it wasn't that bad because boys growing hair on their face is normal but for me on the other hand... Just made me look like I didn't care.

Problem one. November was a cold month, and everytime I would step outside I would get the chills. Therefore my hair grew extra long and fast!

Problem two.  I stayed away from the gym because I didn't want my leg hair to be noticed.

Problem three. Church. Nuff said.

I tried covering it up by wearing tights but the hair just poked through. Fail.
I tried wearing long skirts but that just made me look short and fat. Fail.
I tried to not cross my legs but I would forget. Fail.

It was a rough month.

Okay. SO you can't really see the hair but it was
there and it was LOOOONG!

Twenty minutes later.
So fresh and so clean!

Jerrins Turn!

Scruffy look.

Isn't he just a BABE?! Oh yeah!
The only plus side to not shaving ALL month was when we actually shaved, our skin was soooo soooo soft!