Thursday, November 3, 2011

One Minute Challenge

I have to be at work at 7:50 and it takes me ten minutes to get to work IF I leave at 7:39.

My alarm goes off at 7:06. (I have recently set it ten minutes earlier so I can start my car at 7:20 and it's warm when I get in.) I get up, get dressed and put my contacts in and now it's 7:15.  After I pull my hair up it's time to start my car.  When I come in I put all my stuff together then put it by the door. I go to the kitchen and make my breakfast shake and now it's 7:30. I put my socks and shoes one then go back into the bathroom to brush my teeth. 7:35. I have three minutes to say bye to Jerrin while he is half asleep. (This is my favorite part of the morning except after I don't want to leave...) 7:38.  I walk to the front door, pick up all my stuff, put my coat on, walk out to my car, put it in reverse, back up, put it in drive, and finally check the time. 7:40. Perfect! I drive on a dirt road (because it is faster) to get to the main road and by 7:43 I am on the high-way.  7:47, getting off the high-way.  7:48, Slow down because I pass my first cop.  7:49, Slow down again because I pass my second cop. Then I speed up and pull into work at exactly 7:50. Done! But the problem comes when I wake up late. (this happens at least three times a week..)

7:20, I wake up look at the time and sigh because of how the time sped up while I decided to sleep for five more minutes. I get dressed and that includes putting on my socks and shoes. 7:30.  I put my contacts in (this is a very important part of my morning) and pull up my hair. 7:35. I hurry around looking for my keys and purse. 7:37.  Run to the bathroom and put my toothbrush and paste in my purse. (I can brush by teeth at work) 7:38. Run to the bedroom so I have time to say bye to Jerrin.  Now it's 7:40... I'm late.... I run to my car which is cold and I race down the dirt road trying to win and then.... school bus number 19 wins... You see if I leave one minute late, I get stuck behind the bus.

 As I am driving behind this bus I think of why it has to make three consecutive stops so there is no time for me to pass. Can't these kids all get on in ONE bus stop?  I usually pass the bus on a double yellow and the bus driver always honks at me and I wonder why I never flip him off... I finally reach the high-way and now it's 7:47 (I should be getting OFF the high-way at this time)  I drive really fast and now I'm all messed up and I have no idea when a cop is going to pass me.  7:52, I am getting off the high-way and I have hit morning rush hour in Price!!! (Yes. We. Have. That....Trust. Me.) I speed though Westwood and I pull into work at 7:58... Bad start my day. Now I have made the kids late for school... But I always blame it on

BUS NUMBER 19! (Darn you!!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey so guess what! That's my bus! Except, I dont ride it in the mornings or this would be a lot funnier. Anyways we hill kids refer to it as hillbilly heck, because well alot of hillbillys ride the bus and our experiences on it aren't that great
