It all started after dinner. Jerrin offered me an Otter Pop and I agreed to have one with him. After the sugar reached our blood everything went 100x faster. First we decided to decorate out door with spider web and spiders. Before we appiled it to the door I had a great idea! (not really that great when I'm hyper)
"I have a great idea babe! Lay down. On the floor!" I commanded him.
"What are you going to do?"
"You will see!!"
"Okay. Fine."
"We are going to make a before and after picture!"
"I am going to put these spiders on you. So act scared!"
Before. |
"Now get up and watch how funny I am!" I said.
After! |
Jerrin found it a little funny but not as funny as I did. haha!
Next we had to go to Wal-mart. As we were driving there we turned up the music and danced out of control! Singing at the top of our lungs. I looked over at Jerrin and he was doing a head banging move with his WHOLE body, not looking at the road! (I know I should be worried) I joined!
We arrived to Wal-Mart and we were speed walking to to door but we didn't notice until we were out of breath. We knew exactly what we needed so sped walked every where! Everytime we would get to an isile I would look at Jerrin and say Whoever gets it first wins! We would run down the isile not careing what anyone thought. It was really annoying when people got in the way of me winning.
After we finished all our races we headed to check out number 2. I looked at Jerrin and asked if he would buy me a check-out-treat (as if we needed more sugar). He said yes and gave me the option of Twix or Resses. I grabbed a King Size Twix to share. A nice older lady rang up out items and had something to say about each one. I just couldn't wait until I got my Twix!
"Oh! Steak knives! Those are always good!" She said.
"Yup! Going to cut some steak!" Jerrin replied.
"Wow. Three gallons of milk!" She said surprised, as she placed them in awkwardly positions.
Next was my Twix! I could not wait! I leaned in closer and closer hoping she would just hand it to me, then BLUMP!
I looked down and there was milk going everywhere! I had knocked it down during all my excitment about Twix. I stared at the milk as it poured out then, I picked it up (not thinking about what I was going to do with 1/16 gallon of milk) I looked at Jerrin and laughed,
"What do I do with it?!"
"Babe! Whatch out!"
1/16 of milk had spilled all over my shoe! Not cool!
I handed the empty gallon to a lady and she just said "Don't worry about it...." I was just glad I didn't have to clean it up.
The nice cashier said sorry and told us to go grab another gallon. I refused to tell Jerrin that it was actually me who dropped the milk, so I let the cashier take the blame. After that we were not very hyper anymore but I did get my Twix and shared it with Jerrin and we enjoyed the Twix as we drove back to our humble abode.
Now I know that next time I go to Wal-Mart I will not lean on something that has awkwardly placed gallons of milk on it.
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