Friday, October 28, 2011


It all started with Pirates.

At work the kids wanted to watch Pirates so I put it in and we started to watch. (If you have not seen the latest Pirates you might want to skip this sentence.) At the end of the movie Angelica tells Jack that she is with child. The eleven year old girl turns to me and says,
"What does that mean?"
"It means she is pregnant."
"OH! When did she have SEX?!"
"Because you have to have sex to have a baby!"
At this point she grabbed the remote.
"There is only one part in the movie where I think she could have got a baby in her stomach!" she said.
She started rewinding the movie... I was terrified. We got to the part and it was Jack and Angelica, and Angelica was straddling him.
"See this part! But I don't understand" She turns to me, "Aren't you suppose to be naked in order to have sex?"
I had no idea what to say... except,
"I don't know..."
"Well... I'm not sure what happens but the boy puts the baby in your stomach when you are naked."
"Oh." I got up. "Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something to eat?" I was trying to say ANYTHING for her to change the subject. But it didn't work.
"Are you with child Jazmin?"
"I hope not."
"Well of course you're not. Because you would have to have sex. And if you don't want to have a baby you don't have sex. You and Jerrin don't have sex right?!" She looked very worried.
"Am I pregnant?" I said.
"There's your answer!"
"But my mom said that girls usually keep it a secret for a month, so I will find out in a month!" She walked away and that was the end!
I was really grateful at that moment and I hope that conversation never comes up again, therefore I am not letting her watch Pirates ever!!

Ps little girl, You have a lot more to learn!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! that is so freaking funny!!! hahaha! i don't remember that part in the movie..i love that she rewinded the movie to see when Jack put a baby inside her! hahaha! oh my gosh!
