These are some things that have been happening.
Happening #1
We used to have a pet...
About a month ago we heard a strange noise coming from our light fixture and when we looked up there was a scorpion in it! I named him Scorpy. (clever I know!) But he would use all his energy to run up the light fixture and the whole time he would just run in place, getting no where. Then just curl up and go to sleep. Poor little guy. Some how spiders would get in there and with in a day the spider would be gone! So we never had to feed him. He was the best pet ever.
I really liked Scorpy, but the only problem was that I could never play with him. Actually that is a lie.
One time when all our friends were over (yes we have friends even though we are married) we unscrewed the light fixture to look at him. We all were too scared to pet him so I got a toothpick and poked him! He did not like that at all... He curled up his tail and was about to sting the toothpick! But he never did. After a while we got bored and gave him a toothpick.
Just the other day I was watching him do his daily run, and as usual he stopped. I came back the next day and he was in the exact same position! Man Scorpy was good! But then later that night he was still in the same position.. I realized Scorpy had reached the end of his wonderful life.. I told Jerrin and all he said was "Really?" and didn't ask about him again.. Until I told him I just threw him away becasue I couldn't look at him dead everyday then Jerrin said, "You threw him away?! We should have kept him there and then we would have framed him!" It made me happy that he cared a little.
Wish I would have taken a picture before he died |
To Scorpy: You were the best pet ever. I never had to feed you, give you water, or play with you. Thanks. See you in the after life.
To Jerrin: Please don't frame me when I die! Thanks.
Happening #2
Jerrin loves games. Video games and computer games.
I have never been the kind of girl to play video games or computer games, except when I was 10. I had an awesome Carmen San Diego computer game that was AMAZING! One day I was playing and I had 10% more to go until I had beaten the game then out of no where my computer froze. Nbd, it happens all the time. BUT when I went to restart my computer I put the game back in and everything I had saved was erased.. After that I have been against games.
Also, I hate World of Warcraft. Also, Jerrin plays it.
I think W.o.W is a pointless game. Just a waste of time. I had always said I would never marry a guy who played W.o.W. So I am really glad Jerrin didn't tell me he played W.o.W on the first date we ever had.
One night around elevenish I told Jerrin I was tired and going to bed then Jerrin said,
"Jazmin I don't feel very well, so I am just going to watch tv for a while then come to bed. Is that okay?"
I was worried.
"What's wrong? Do you need anything?"
"No. I will be fine."
"Okay. I will be in our room if you need anything. Don't be afraid to wake me up."
Then I gave him a kiss and went to bed.
For a while I couldn't fall asleep because I was worried then I decided Jerrin was a big boy and could handle it. I fell asleep and woke up at 3:42 am to no Jerrin in bed with me. At that point I thought. Is Jerrin okay?! Did he fall asleep in the bathroom because he was throwing up a lot?! Did he pass out in the front room and had he been laying there for hours?! I hurried and got up to go find him. As I walked into the front room Jerrin was in front of his computer playing W.o.W... He looked at me with a you-caught-me-playing-wow-and-it's-four in the morning face. All I could say was "Really..." Then I walked back to our bedroom. He logged off and came and layed by me, in record time. I was pissed. Pretty sure he knew and all he could say was "Sorry, it will never happen again..." That next morning I was not happy. I got up for work said bye then left. Needless to say, it has not happened since.... Well that I know of.
(Jerrin, sorry for telling this story. I love you!!!)
Jerrins Xbox |
Jerrin has been bugging me about getting an Xbox.. I really don't want one because I would never play. He called me yesterday and said,
"Jazmin! How was your day? I missed you!" (lots more questions and nice things)
"Hi babe. I'm good and I just got home."
"I have some thing to tell you..."
"So Darren was making fun of me about not getting an Xbox so he gave us one with two games! I wanted to get something that we could both do instead of watching tv"
"So you got an Xbox... When are you going to pay him?"
"He's letting us borrow it!"
"When are you going to pay for it. You are going to want it so you can pay for it..." (ps. Jerrin isn't working right now because school is crazy busy. There is no way he is getting that Xbox!)
He said he was home and that we would talk about it. When he got home we talked about it but I had the better arguments. I win. Kind of.
Later that night he wanted to play it. He hooked it all up and looked at me and asked if I wanted to play. I said sure why not. I couldn't say no to getting an Xbox if I never tried it. He gave me a paddle and there was NO multiplayer on the game. I was glad. He started playing and I thought it was dumb becasue it was a shooting, killing game. My favorite.. not. I started to read my scriptures hoping that he would get the hint that I did not want him to play... He didn't.
The best part. As he is learing how to man his Xbox he keeps saying,
"OH! This is cool!"
"Wow! That's really cool!"
I think he was trying to get me to say WHAT, but I knew I wasn't going to give in, even though I REALLY wanted to say what. We went to bed and that was the end of that.
We will see how this Xbox thing works or doesn't work out.